Advanced Biofuels

Genera Energy Launches Biomass Mobile Agriculture App

Date Posted: August 5, 2015

Vonore, Tenn. August 5, 2015 — Genera Energy, Inc., a top bioenergy supply chain management company, and a worldwide leader in feedstock development and supply chain innovation announced the launch of its first mobile agriculture app, Biomass.

The Biomass app was developed to serve as a practical, easy-to-use mobile crop planning and learning tool for biomass farmers and landowners.

“We are very pleased with the Biomass app’s features,” said Sam Jackson, vice president of business development for Genera Energy, Inc.

“The information that the app is built on is the result of years of research and development in the biofuels management industry.”

The Biomass app offers features such as a biomass crop library complete with detailed information, photos and range maps for the most utilized biomass crops in the U.S., along with the ability to overlap crop ranges in a live, interactive map function.

Another key function is a multi-function biomass calculator that helps the user determine how much biomass they’ll need for their specific situation, including conversion technology, conversion rate, and location.

The results can then be emailed to the user if desired.

For those wishing to convert biomass to biofuels, biochemical, bioproducts, or biopower, this app will provide realistic projections and crop suggestions based on actual, in-the-field studies and crop outcomes.

“Probably the most important aspect in developing the app was working directly with biomass producers, project developers, and policy makers across the different aspects of the industry” said Jackson.

“This helped us to develop an app specifically targeted to what users actually needed and wanted.”

The free version of the app is now available for both Apple- and Android-based devices.

Visit the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to download the app today.

For more information, please contact Heather Ripley at 865-977-1973 or [email protected]

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