Root Fuel Begins Sales of B100 and B50 Fuel Blends at TX Stations

Date Posted: July 28, 2015

Houston, TX, USA, July 27, 2015 — Root Fuel, a new retail fuel brand based in Houston, TX, announced today that they had begun selling 100% biodiesel, known as B100 and B50 a blend of 50% biodiesel and 50% diesel, at the pump.

The fuels are available at Root Fuel's flagship location at 9505 Wallisville Road, which also offers B20[1].

B100 and B50, discounted to Root Fuel’s B20 price $.20 and $.10 respectively, creates a meaningful economic advantage to local diesel consumers.

Local customers are already enjoying B20 at prices $.05 - $.10 cheaper than local competitors selling traditional diesel.

The site also offers unleaded gasoline and diesel exhaust fluid (DEF). Root Fuel also has a station located at 5715 S.

Wayside Drive, which currently offers B20 and unleaded gasoline and plans to offer B100 and B50 in the near future.

Both stations are located off of I-610, at the mouth of the Houston Ship Channel, one of the largest petrochemical complexes in the world.

Root Fuel began selling B20 almost immediately after beginning operations in December, 2013.

"We have already shown that we can make sustainable fuels available today, within the existing infrastructure, without disrupting the status quo" said Root Fuel Founder and President, Justin Heller.

B20 can be used interchangeably with diesel in any diesel engine without any modifications.

B50 and B100 can be used in any diesel engine, though some models may require minor modifications.

Stephanie Hastings, Root Fuel’s Director of Operations went on to say “our initial focus is to show the public that biodiesel is not harmful for your engine, that it is actually much better for it.

"It has a higher cetane, resulting in improved combustibility and more torque, which leads to improved power under load.

"A blend of just 2% biodiesel solves the lubricity issue created by the switch to ultra low sulfur diesel and removes the need for additives.

"The combined effect of higher lubricity, improved combustibility, and a reduction in particulate emissions results in less wear on the engine, creates a smoother and quieter ride, decreases maintenance costs, and increases the life of the engine.”

Biodiesel sold at Root Fuel is domestically produced, creating energy security and supporting over 62,000 jobs in the US.

Dramatically decreased emissions create numerous health benefits.

For example, nationwide, the US transports 24 million children to school everyday on diesel-powered buses, exposing them to harmful asthmatic and carcinogenic emissions.

According to the National Biodiesel Board, schools that switch to B20 have reported fewer incidences of asthmatic attacks, decreased complaints about headaches, and fewer overall missed days among both students and drivers.

Compared to diesel, biodiesel significantly reduces emissions that cause smog, acid rain, and ground level ozone.

Finally, B100 reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 50%-85% as compared to traditional diesel, helping to prevent further climate change.

Heller concluded by saying “the additions of B100 and B50 presents the customer with choice, an empowering experience when you have been using one or two fuels your entire life.

"Our goal is to get people thinking about where their fuel comes from and to realize there are superior alternatives to our current petroleum-centric system that can exist today.

"Root Fuel’s mission is to build a national brand that makes the choice for sustainable, domestic fuels accessible to all Americans at the pump.

"Each new community we grow into not only benefits from the economic advantages, but is empowered to take part in improving the health of their community, to do their part to combat climate change, and to support energy security and the American jobs and prosperity that come with it.”

For more information, please contact Justin Heller at 713-671-3388.

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