Association Motor Club Marketing and Travelers Motor Club Emphasize Reliability of E15 Fuel to U.S. Congress

Date Posted: April 14, 2015

Oklahoma City, OK — April 13, 2015 — The management of both Association Motor Club Marketing (AMCM) and Travelers Motor Club are continuing to use advocacy platforms to promote the reliability and consumer interest of E15 fuel.

Motor club representatives recently visited 17 congressional offices during the American Coalition for Ethanol’s annual “Biofuels Beltway March” fly-in, meeting with Members of Congress or their advisors representing Arizona, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

AMCM Owner Gene Hammond then wrote this blog post highlighting his experience and reasons the motor clubs back E15.

Hammond writes: “That E15 hasn’t caused any damage to cars is no surprise to us, because during our entire time in the motor club business, we’ve never had a complaint about any blend of ethanol in gasoline, period.”

“But the critics and the E15 ghost stories haven’t gone away, so we did our part recently by meeting with Members of Congress about what we’ve seen, and more importantly what we haven’t seen, from the usage of E15 by our motor club members.

"If the anti-E15 predictions and warnings Congress has heard for the last two years were true, the people who had those problems would be well known to you by now.

But the charges aren’t true.

"We let Congress know how safe this fuel is. We don’t think motorists should be forced to use any fuel, but what the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) does is give every driver in the United States the option to buy a quality American made product like the E15 fuel blend if they choose.

"More fuel choices mean more competition and that means our members save at the pump.”

The entire blog post can be read in full here.

For more information, because contact Chuck Beck at 605-334-3381.

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